Parking Parking area

Hemm verżjoni waħda ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjow.

There is one version of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and video.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

Is-sinjal għal PARKING magħmul minn żewġ partijiet. (i) Fl-ewwel parti jsir is-sinjal għal KAROZZA, jiġifieri, ż-żewġ idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ ponn quddiem is-sider bil-pala tal-id tħares ’il ġewwa. L-idejn jitilgħu u jinżlu ftit laġenba bħal fis-sewqan tal-karozza. (ii) Fit-tieni parti l-idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ 5 magħluq bil-pala tal-id tħares ’l isfel. Imbagħad id waħda tieqaf fil-ġenb waqt li l-id l-oħra timxi lejn il-ġenb bl-iskossi żgħar qisha tirrapreżenta l-karrozzi pparkjati maġenb xulxin f’ringiela.

Hemm varjazzjonijiet oħra. L-ewwel id spiss timxi bħall-id l-oħra biex tkompli r-ringiela. Inkella, Id waħda tieqaf fil-ġenb waqt li l-id l-oħra timxi lura minn ħdejn l-id wieqfa qisha qed tirriversja biex tipparkja wara xi karrozza oħra jew turi ringiela b’karrozza wara l-oħra. Kultant l-ewwel parti ssir wara t-tieni parti.

The sign for PARKING AREA is made up of two parts. (i)The first part is the sign for CAR, that is, both hands form a fist shape in front of the chest with the palm facing inwards. The hands move up and down a little to the side as in the driving of a car. (ii) In the second part the hands take the shape of closed 5 with the palm facing downwards. One hand is placed at the side as though representing the ground whilst the other hand moves in jerks to the side as though representing the cars parked besides each other in a row.

There are other variations. Sometimes, the first hand moves like the other hand as though to continue the row. Otherwise, one hand is placed at the side whilst the other hand moves backwards along the stationary hand as though reversing to park behind another car or as though showing a row of cars parked behind each other. The first part sometimes follows the second part of the sign.